Monday, September 25, 2006

The Cane Toad

Not sure if this could be bad taste ... (thats a pun) but this is my new coin holder.

Very tough.

Bites if anyone but the owner opens it...

Monday, September 11, 2006

Oy stick a fish in it you two

Took this as the light was fading at Healdsville animal sactuary. Its 1.5 hrs NE Melbourne approx, and well worth a visit. We should have gone there with J & C on their last day in Melbourne instead of Museum I think. Never mind. The best bird in the world to watch soaring is a pelican, they are the best glider pilots in the whole world!

A wondrous bird is the Pelican,
Its beak can hold more than its belly can...

Iron Roo rests

 Next time I saw it , it was resting, as they do mostly in the day...

The Stearman

A couple of the visiting Kiwi's at the gliding club, flew up in this Stearman. Unfortunately, storms and rain on Sunday put paid to any ideas of a few joy rides...

Made me think of Richard Bach's stories of touring with his Stearman.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A roo in Brisbane CBD

Well I never...

Fireworks - Purple

This ones are purple...

A classic shot

I've made a CD-ROM of the best shots, some excellent shots, considering they were all hand held!

Fireworks - Green

Riverfire - some green fireworks.