Sunday, August 26, 2007

Eagle Muriel

This part of a muriel - thats what I call them anyway, was in a carpark. The whole thing was very impressive...

Boondall wetlands, near Brisbane

In the boondall wetlands.

The sound of Frogs

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Just one corneto

Just trying out this new button - upload movie.

Sorry, its a bit boring but I am really just trying out the new button on Bloggers Compose Post page

Air Display team

These flew over on EKKA day. Just looked up and there they were!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Cycle Path

Don't know if this will load, its a bit big.

A puddlesteamer

A paddlesteamer I took a video out while on the bike. I took a longer one I may put up, but its not too exiting...

Sky Graphitti

This signwriter in the sky, started writing above my head after I was relaxing in the garden - exhausted after watching the runners on the Bridge to Brisbane fun run, which goes right past our door. At first I thought it was going to say Sunday Mc nuggets! then, phew - just a paper...

He did Bose next!

Taking new bike out for a ride

We rode to a workmate of Allan's barbeque. Mostly along a cycle track, but did have to go on a main road for a bit (footpath mostly), and went 9 blocks too far! Doh.

Almost did it wrong coming back!

Honeyeater at barbeque

This Honeyeater seemed interested in Allan's prawns!

Friday, August 03, 2007

In and around Brisbane City

A few pics taken over the last weeks in the immediate vicinity of the city.