Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Bunya Mountains

Here is a picture of the Bunya Mountains I took while doing my 300K badge flight. Also featured is the technical piece of equipment to enable correct thermalling!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Still working on it

I am still working on improving the original black and white image (to black and white). However as a bit of fun I produced a colour version!

The original scans are a bit low resolution unfortunately to be able to do much with this sort of image, and I'm still learning.

I hope the colours are right!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Marian and Vonny?

I think...

This was a hard image to process, but I think it has come out quite well. The image was shot into sun and the marks on the right and side are not all spots, but sunlight.

I have tried to keep the brightness and also threw the background out of focus as it is messy. The original is first.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Thursday, April 10, 2008

spiderman aka King Louie Bradley Barnes...

Also a pic of Mt Eden Crater (Auckland - both)

Various flying pics and others

One or two gliders arriving back at the 'Kentucky 2008 Squad Week'. A monarch butterfly.